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A plant based smudge ritual tool kit to bring awareness to the land we abide on and to honour the lineage of our ancestors.

This is a gorgeous little Scottish smudge package which contains a pine smudge stick, hand collected and rolled in the ancient pine forests of Scotland highlands, an old foraged scallop shell and an old Scottish eagle feather.


Included in this smudge kit is all the elements you need to set up your own ritual -


Earth element - a hand collected Scottish smudge stick with ancient Pine collected from old forests in Scotland highlands and then adorned with Scottish heather.

Water element - An 80 year old hand collected large scallop shell from a secret beach on the East coast of Scotland from an old scallop farm. Reusing the shell for good intentions and brining in the strength of our ancestors past. Rest your smudge on the shell and allow the smoke to dissipate.

Fire - the flames from the fire as you light your smudge stick

Air - a old Scottish eagle feather that I rescued from a friend that he found as he was clearing out a neighbours garden shed. the smoke that you create as you burn the plant material.

And a piece of cut cloth that your items will be wrapped carefully in and which you can then use to to rest your smudge tool kit on.


Use me in your rituals and invite in the Scottish landscapes, plants and history.

Ancient Scottish Pine smudge tool kit

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